Out the mud, full of faith.
@streamzluxeandleisure ,has rocked the world and you can still feel the trembling in the underground fashion world. 3 years in the business and the brand already gives serious mainstream vibes and from what we understand this was done purposely. Creator and founder J. Smith wanted to bring clothing patterns and designs that gave Streamz Luxe and Leisure fans and customers a bold way to stand out without having to look like everyone else. "So many are stripping underground streetwear apart and making it their own, why can't I strip the mainstream apart and make my own?"
Amazing clothing with a message straight from the creators life story is fueling this trailblazer. "My life inspired these designs and everything about our brand. Now we see our brand on celebrities and the likes of the truly ambitious and we love it but we also love seeing the high school student, faculty member, the up and coming athletes and actors etc, wearing our brand."
Our founder's story was about persevering and believing in himself and his destiny. Being refined in relationship with his faith, love of family and discipline to see it through as a young designer. Our customers also come from struggles and challenges and are overcoming obstacles. That's why it means so much to have the message very clear about the clothing and brand.
Our business model naturally gives back so watching people happy to support is a feeling I can't readily describe, except to say I'm so grateful!
More about J. Smith on our next post. Join our clubhouse and expand our community.